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Tenant Scrutiny

What is it ?

Tenant scrutiny is more than just another tenant participation activity. It is a way of giving tenants greater influence and the ability to hold their landlords to account by exercising more power over the business decisions, governance and performance of their landlord. 

Tenant involvement in the scrutiny of a landlord’s performance is rooted in the principle that landlords take account of the following

  • Tenants’ priorities and needs
  • Involving tenants in setting policies and standards
  • Taking tenants’ views into account before decisions are taken
  • How to support tenants to hold their landlords to account

Tenant scrutiny gives tenants an active stake in the running of their landlord’s business rather than just being recipients of services. It enables staff and tenants to work in partnership to achieve better performance and improved outcomes.

How can I get involved ? 

We have a core group of people involved and we are currently looking for more tenants who would be interested in being part of the scrutiny process. It is a great chance to talk with other tenants & staff about the things that matter to you and about how we provide our services. You can help us create changes for the better.

We can provide help with training and will meet reasonable expenses such as travel costs.


The tenant scrutiny panel meets reguarly.  Whilst meetings are held at the Paragon Offices there is also the opportunity to join on-line.  Contact us if you would like to know more about the panel or would like to attend a meeting.

Monday 7th April 2025, 11.00am


Why not join us today? 

Contact information

If you would like to talk to someone about Tenant Participation or Scrutiny please contact the Housing Management Team.

Read our Tenant Scrutiny Leaflet for more information.

Phone : 01324 664966 

E Mail :

Work In Progress

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