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Paragon Consultations & Feedback


From time to time we will seek views on new policies and other important matters.

We are always looking for interested tenants and owners to take part in discussions around a whole range of subjects.  If you are interested in joining our Tenant Scrutiny Panel or Owners Group call us on 01324 664966 or email

Rent Consultation 2024-25 Feedback

Thanks to everyone who took part in our rent consultatiion feedback. We have written to all tenants to advise of the decision and issued a feedback newsletter. You can find it here 

Rent Consultation Feedback Newsletter 2024-25

Tenant Participation Strategy Consultation Feedback

Thank you to all tenants who took the time to return the survey on our draft Tenant Participation Strategy.  We have now produced a consultation report - link below.

The majority of responses being supportive of the approach taken in the strategy.  

The next steps will be to take the strategy to a management committee meeting in October for adoption.  We will then be developing an Action Plan and reviewing our Tenant Participation Strategy.  if you are interested in getting involved in any aspect of Engagement, Participation or Scrutiny then please contact us 01234 664966, email or message us and we will contact you to discuss how you can get more involved.

TP Strategy Consultation Report September 2023

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