Throughout our estates there are areas of open space and other common areas. These can include grassed areas, car parking, trees, footpaths and so on. As an owner you may be liable to pay for a share of the upkeep of these areas. Where you live and the contents of your "Deeds of Condition" will dictate who is reponsible for what. Your solicitor should be able to advise you regarding your responsibilties.
Responsibilities vary
- In some estates the open spaces and all footpaths may have been adopted by the local council
- In others they may be wholly the reponsibility of the Association with owners liable for a share
- There are other areas where maintenance such as grass cutting may be carried out by the council at no charge but with some items being chargeable such as works to trees.
If you receive bills from us for regular works such as grass cutting you may wish to advise us of the details of any changes of ownership if you have sold the property on. This will ensure that you do not receive bills for works that were carried out after the sale.