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Looking for Housing?

Looking for Housing ?

Paragon has properties for rent in many areas throughout Forth Valley.

Find a list of our houses by area, street and type by clicking on the link below

Housing Stock List

These are allocated on a "housing needs" basis using a points system.

You can also find out how frequently properties are likely to become avaiable to rent through looking at our Allocations Bulletin below - we refer to this as "turnover".

Allocations Bulletin Turnover 2023-24

TOP TIP - if you are looking for housing - make your application on as wide a basis as possible. If you only select properties in low turnover areas then it is unlikley that we can house you quickly - if at all. 

Housing in Falkirk, Stirling & Clackmannanshire

Fill in a housing application form  Housing Application Form Inc MO Declaration Web Form May 2024

Medical Grounds for Housing

If you are applying for housing on medical grounds, please contact our office for more details.

Need any help?

If you want more advice on housing options please contact our Housing Operations Support Team (HOST) - 01324 664966 or email us on

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